Monday, August 4, 2008

our first DIY

Finally, my fiance was able to finish the final draft for our STDs. I know it's kinda late already as we're just roughly 5 months away from the BIG day. But no worries, with my ever-so-reliable cramming skills and my fiance's ability to master the art of patience, we'll surely wing it without a scratch. ;)

I initially wanted an STD with a picture of ours but because of lack of time to do pictorials, we settled for something classy and formal. Good thing Manu got the skills and he was able to do it in just a whim. :)

Disclaimer: The images below look far different from the way they appear on my laptop. Must be the photo uploading problem of google.

So, how do we get this into production? Well, we got several choices. One is to have it printed in one of them expensive printing companies where we can just shell out an amount of 100 bucks per piece. However, doing so simply defeats the concept of DIY so, scratch that.

Second option is to to look for a paper company where we can buy the materials and then just use home printers. This sounds good but the problem is I am not even sure if our personal printer still exists. We just had our house renovation and mom got too carried away that she gave out some stuff to her staff including those that are actively being used.;)) I will also have to check if fiance has one in their house which we can use for STD printing. Otherwise, we'll have to scratch this one out too.

Third is actually a variation of the second one and an answer if no personal printers are available. We'll just have to scout for both paper company and printing press that can do the wonders for our STD. Now, if we can only find these too soon...:D

Anyway, there's the plan. As to how we are going to execute it is definitely another story. Wish us good luck! :)

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